Written by Team MD
29 August 2017


Dallas McCarver Tribute Week: Q&A #2


Yes, you can be a bodybuilder and still have a life!

I am privileged to be in a position now where other bodybuilders look to me for advice and guidance. Occasionally I talk to guys who are so focused on turning pro and on bodybuilding in general that they have absolutely no personal life, no personal relationships, and no fun. Their entire life is eating, sleeping, and training. They honestly feel this is what it takes to be the best, and forsake everything else life has to offer. I want to tell you guys exactly what I tell them. You can have balance in your life, and more importantly, you really should!


First up, relationships. We're all different. A rare few people have no need for love and companionship, and are legitimately okay with being alone. That's fine. But most people do need that in their life. Bodybuilding can be a very selfish sport to be part of, no doubt about that. You do have to focus on the things you need to do in order to improve. But there is no reason you still can't have relationships with your family, friends, and a special someone. Maybe I'm not the best guy to be giving relationship advice since I haven't been with anyone for terribly long, but hey! I still put myself out there, and I am a romantic at heart. I'm not about to forego that just so I can sit around and dwell on my next meal or workout.


And who says you have to be a hermit and never go out? A couple months back, I celebrated my 23rd birthday with some good friends. A group of us drove up to Six Flags in Georgia. We rode the rides all day, and we stayed for a concert there too. I do confess I was more than a little scared when that harness came down over me to hold me in to the roller coaster seats, and it only clicked once due to my size. But, the high school kids running the rides assured me it was safe! When the park shut down, we went out for some more food and drinks. Some people out there are probably horrified to hear that. You can't do that stuff, you're a pro bodybuilder! But think about it. What did I really do that was so detrimental to my off-season gains? I ate plenty of food and stayed hydrated all day. I had a great time and enjoyed myself with my best friends. Would I do this if I was prepping for a contest? Of course not. Once I am in prep mode, my daily schedule is regimented down to the minute for my workouts, cardio, and meals. But mentally, it would be a lot tougher to be that disciplined if I deprived myself of fun and some of the wrong foods 365 days a year. Everybody needs a break from that grind.


Finally, I honestly don't think that being dead serious and 100% focused on bodybuilding at all times offers any real advantage. Most of the people I have seen and met who live that way aren't any more successful than everyone else. If I am going to be real here, most of them aren't very successful as competitors anyway. Being an antisocial hermit doesn't make you a better bodybuilder. It just makes you a miserable person! I choose not to live that way, and I can only hope none of you do either. There is a time to be totally immersed in the bodybuilding lifestyle, and there are also times to just be a regular person and enjoy life. Be smart enough to know when.


Hey Dallas, what was your cardio regimen for your 12-week diet for the BSN ads? You started with 30 minutes and gradually built up, or something else? How much did you end up doing, and at what intensity? Which machines did you use?

I started at 30 minutes in the morning fasted, then went to 30 in the AM and 20 in the PM and worked my way up. I have done as much as an hour and 45 minutes total between the two sessions. For machines, I swap it up. I use them all: bike, stairs, treadmill, and elliptical. It just depends on what I am training that day and how my legs feel. I try not to do the stairs all the time. I find that an hour every day on the steps beats the hell out of my legs and flattens them out.


What ratio of P/C/F works best for you leading into a show?

There is no magic ratio that I have found (so far). I start out with higher carbs and fats with moderate protein, and then the closer I get it's obviously less fats and carbs, and slightly more protein. I think that's pretty much the way most competitors do it.






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