Written by IFBB Pro Josh Wade
08 April 2022



 Relentless Pursuit

By IFBB Pro Josh Wade

Presented by Allmax Nutrition


Best Exercises to Build a Bigger Back


Apply these techniques and I guarantee you will feel your back in a completely different way!


Q: My back is my weakest body part. I have decent back width due to shoulder structure, but I can’t get it any thicker through the mid-back. Can you give any suggestions?


A:Something I talk about in most of my columns when discussing training is focusing on the negative or eccentric portion of the lift. I feel that’s been a huge factor in me improving all my body parts due to it significantly improving mind-muscle connection, which does a couple of very important things. One is that it provides more time under tension because the muscle never gets a chance to relax. First you explode through the elbows to force the muscle to contract, then you try to hold the squeeze for a split second before slowly controlling the negative all the way till you reach the stretch. You fire the elbows again to force a contraction and repeat this pattern until you can no longer resist the negative. If you can’t control the strongest part of the exercise, the negative, then the muscle is fatigued and needs rest before doing the same thing for the next set.


The other thing I feel controlling the negative is very helpful for, especially when doing bent-over exercises like barbell rows or T-Bar rows, is keeping the tension or strain off the lower back. When I can hold the weight in the contracted position for a split second and control the negative, I only feel the tension in my mid-back and nothing in my lower back because I’m not heaving the weight up and letting it fall only to “catch” it with my lower back, which causes shock. There are a few things I see people do all the time when trying to hit the mid-back and instead they use the upper traps and rear delts or lower lats and miss the middle portion. If your elbows are too high when doing rows, then when you fire elbows back you will hit upper traps and rear delts. If you pull toward your belly button, then you hit more lower lats.



The sweet spot for building mid-back is pulling the elbows back right below your chest with your arms at about a 45-degree angle, not tucked in but also not all the way out. You should be able to really squeeze your shoulder blades and that’s how you know you are in the perfect spot. Remember if you don’t feel it where you want to, you are probably doing it wrong. You should know you are doing it right when your mid-back is crazy pumped and your spinal erectors are not, unless you are doing hyperextensions specifically for the spinal erectors.


Here is an example of one of my favorite back routines.


Remember to fire your elbows to force a contraction and then hold the contraction on every rep for a split second before slowly controlling the negative, then reaching for a stretch and exploding the elbows again!


Wide Neutral-Grip Pulldowns: 5x12-10

Superset with

Cable Rope Pullovers: 5x12

Bent-Over Barbell Rows (stay bent over at 90 degrees): 4x12-10

Chest Supported Two-Arm Dumbbell Rows: 4x12*


*I like doing these lying facedown on an incline bench at about a 30-degree angle using an overhand grip and when I fire elbows up, I rise my chest off the bench to create an arch and hold squeeze before slowly letting my chest come back down to bench and do it again.


Two-Arm Machine Rows: 4x12**


**I like to do this as a finisher so I can really focus on the contraction in the mid-back where I’m targeting. Hand position is where I mentioned above to pull the elbows back right below chest with arms at a 45-degree angle and really squeeze shoulder blades.


Apply these techniques and I guarantee you will feel your back in a completely different way!



Find Balance or Burn Out


Q: After every competition I have trouble staying in shape. How did you always stay in such good condition?


A:Sorry to put this bluntly, but maybe you don’t want it bad enough? From the time I started training I always knew I wanted to be a professional bodybuilder. Even if you don’t that’s all right, but your goal should always be to improve from show to show. If you can’t control yourself and give your body the clean nutrients it needs to grow and keep the metabolism elevated, then you will never be your best. I believe the best way to keep your metabolism elevated is through frequency of feedings in moderate portions with clean food to make sure the body is fueled consistently, therefore always burning the fuel you put into it like a fast-burning fire in a fireplace. If a fire in a fireplace burns down too low as in not eating frequently enough and you put a bunch of wood or food on it at once, you will smolder it and bog it down. This is the same thing that happens when you eat dirty, hard-to-digest foods, like meals high in saturated fat. Consistently adding one log or one clean meal at a time every three hours keeps that fire burning nice and hot, therefore keeping metabolism humming!


For most of my early career I never let myself enjoy life and was too focused on my goals. I missed out on a lot of things like birthdays or social events with friends because food that wouldn’t benefit my body would be present. With experience, I’ve learned much better balance. In the off-season it’s OK to enjoy food you want and not miss out on events but again it always comes back to moderation and making sure you are progressing to obtain your goals. You must find balance and enjoy the process, or you will most definitely burn out! Remember we do this not just to compete; this is our lifestyle and we will live that lifestyle even when we are done competing!


Strengthening the Immune System


With the COVID-19 situation, I’ve been getting a lot of inquiries as to which supplements can strengthen the immune system and help prevent infection. These are the supplements that I take every day year-round for immune system function and antioxidants, but they are even more beneficial at times of stress or sickness.


allmax stack


Allmax Immune-Boosting stack


Glutamine: 10g 3x day, upon rising, post-workout and before bed.

R+ALA: 2 caps (300mg) with first and last meal.

CytoGreens: 1 scoop upon rising. 

Vitastack: 1 multipack with first meal.

Omega 3: 2g with first and last meal.


Please send questions for this column to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Website: www.teamwadefitness.com







For more information, visit allmaxnutrition.com


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