Written by John M. Di Fazio II
16 April 2021





Build a Strong Immune System

How to Stay Healthy and Fight Disease


By John M. Di Fazio II


Just as we strive to condition our physical bodies with exercise and nutrition, we can also strive to condition and strengthen ourselves on a cellular level. I have not been sick, not even a cold, since 1989.


Our bodies are created with a beautiful defense called the immune system. It fights off foreign antigens and pathogens and protects and defends healthy cells. Immunity, or a healthy immune response, activates via processing through receptors that identify a foreign antigen. B cells and T cells must first recognize that a foreign antigen is present for an immune response to occur. B cells are able to bind to antigens and produce antibodies to create an antibody-mediated immunity. T cells recognize antigenic proteins and attack and eliminate the intruders, creating a cell-mediated immunity. Different T cells have different responses and functions related to the type of antigen that is intruding. There are killer T cells, suppressor T cells and memory T cells, among others, that mediate a class of allergic response. All have their specific function, along with B cells as a natural mechanism that is programmed in our bodies, working in conjunction with cytokines, small protein hormones that regulate immune response to build resistance and ward off disease.


The primary objective of our immune system is to ward off and build a resistance to disease. It also has the ability to create immunological memory, in which memory B cells and memory T cells remain after the primary response of exposure to an antigen. In doing so, it is better prepared to respond to any secondary exposures. Over time, our bodies learn to build a specific resistance to a specific antigen and create antibodies to destroy future intrusion by the antigen. This is how we naturally build immunity against diseases.


I believe in allowing my body to perform its natural response functions as they relate to immunity. Coming in contact with pathogens and antigens helps us to build strong resistance to diseases, of both a viral or bacterial nature.  By allowing the natural response to occur, our immune systems gain strength by being able to do what they were designed to do – ward off, resist and recognize for future exposure. It is the natural defense of the body.


Just as we strive to condition our physical bodies with exercise and nutrition, we can also strive to condition and strengthen ourselves on a cellular level. I have not been sick, not even a cold, since 1989. For over three decades I have kept my immune system strong by proper nutrition, hydration, exercise, hygiene, rest and supplementation. I am consistent and diligent in executing these areas daily. My nutrition consists of five healthy, organic meals per day. I space my meals by three-hour intervals. I hydrate with one gallon of water each day. I weight train six days per week, and perform cardiovascular exercise seven days per week for 30 minutes each day. As a hygiene rule, I never touch my face, and I thoroughly wash my hands before eating or drinking. I sleep between six to eight hours per night. All of these good habits continue to improve and strengthen my immune system, but I give a great deal of credit to my supplementation. Here is a list of my daily vitamins, minerals, and amino acids:


With Meal One

1 Solgar VM-75

2000 IU Nature Made Vitamin D3 tablets

3 capsules (1,575 mg) Nature’s Way Dandelion Root

1 tbsp Barlean’s Liquid Omegas


With Meal Two

2000 IU Nature Made Vitamin D3 tablets

250 mg Nature Made Magnesium tablet

50 mg Solgar Zinc tablet


With Meal Three

1 Solgar VM-75

1000 IU Nature Made Vitamin D3 tablet

250 mg Nature Made Magnesium tablet

3 mg boron tablet


Pre-exercise: 1 scoop of Original Xtend Branched Chain Amino Acids + Electrolytes, 30 minutes prior to exercise. Xtend contains 1000 mg of citrulline malate, which is an important nutrient that may provide immune-strengthening properties to our bodies.


Note: Please consult with a physician before the use of any supplement, especially if an individual is on a prescribed medication. The dosages listed above are my own personal regimen. Women and children may adjust to lower dosages of the above-mentioned vitamins, minerals and amino acids, just as each individual may require different dosages. Thorough blood work can give you insight as to the vitamins and minerals that may be lacking in your own personal body.


A strong, healthy, functioning immune system can benefit us in so many ways. It may provide consistent health, longevity, recovery and overall well-being to be enjoyed throughout your years. Health is our greatest commodity, so with the application of good habits, create the best environment in your body and enjoy it every day!


John M. Di Fazio II is a nutrition consultant, personal trainer and massage therapist with over 25 of experience working in the fitness industry. He was employed by Gold’s Gym for 13 years and in 2005 co-founded Remedy Fitness in New York. While in the employ of Gold’s Gym, he was recruited into Nutritionalysis, a nutrition company based in Venice Beach, California that specialized in individualized nutrition programs, and received his certification. For more information, visit remedyresults.com