Written by Brendan Jones
04 December 2015


Kevin Jordan Video Series Episode 1

Arm Training & Pre-Workout Supplements



IFBB pro bodybuilder Kevin Jordan is fresh off his rookie season. He placed fourth in his pro debut, and never placed out of the top ten all season long.

In 2016 he’ll be focusing on adding some size to his legs and back – his self-proclaimed weaker parts. When we caught up with him at Quad’s Gym in downtown Chicago, he shared some tips and pointers for arms, which are no doubt a stronger body part for Kevin.

Kevin goes over his complete workout and gives his thoughts on training arms. He also shares which GAT product he uses before he works out to help him push through the workout and boost his testosterone.

Kevin Jordan’s Arm Workout

Superset: Rope Press down/Cable Curls

Overhead Triceps Extension

Alternating Dumbbell Curls

Reverse Grip Triceps Extensions

Machine Preacher Curls