Written by Team MD
07 July 2017


MD Training Camp: Jay Cutler #3



Stay Focused to Avoid Injury

I am only 18 and really just starting out in all this, but I read about this guy tearing a muscle and that guy having problems with his shoulders or his knees, and it scares me! If I try to get as big as I can, am I pretty much destined to have some type of injury down the line? What would you suggest in terms of helping to avoid injury as much as possible?

You are not necessarily doomed to have an injury. Look at my career. I started training at 18, and I didn’t get seriously hurt for the first time until I was 38! I was able to win three Arnold Classic titles and four Mr. Olympias before I hurt my biceps. And I definitely did more than my fair share of heavy training all those years.


If you’re careful with your form and take time to warm up and stretch, you’ll drastically reduce your chances of an injury. I would also recommend regular deep-tissue massage if you can afford it, plus chiropractic adjustments. Eat as healthy as you can and stay hydrated. If something ever feels wrong during a workout, don’t push your luck— stop the set, stop the exercise and even stop the workout if need be.


The most important thing is to stay completely focused when you train. Think about what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. Most injuries happen either when you push past the point when your body was warning you to stop doing something, or when you blanked and your mind was off somewhere else. Be in the moment at all times in the gym, and you can go many years without getting hurt.


Relief for Sore Body Parts

Yesterday I had a killer leg workout, I mean killer, and today I’m feeling the result of it (soreness that hurts to the touch). Since massaging can help muscle growth, is it a good idea to massage the legs while they are sore, or hold off? Thank you so much. Jay, you’re the man!

Being that I get deep tissue done a few times every week, something is always sore from being trained. I think it makes perfect sense to have massage done on a sore body part, because it can help flush out lactic acid and speed up recovery.







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