Written by Tom Fahey
14 January 2010

Erection-promoting drugs like Viagra increase blood flow to the penis by stimulating the release of nitric oxide in the cells lining the blood vessels. Viagra and Cialis have given men a sexual shot in the arm, but they don't work for everyone, have side effects, and interfere with sexual spontaneity. A vascular stent— a mechanical brace that opens narrowed blood vessels— might be a good alternative. Cardiac surgeons have used stents for many years to treat narrowing of the coronary arteries in the heart and prevent heart attacks. In October 2009, Dr. Krishna Rocha-Singh from the Prairie Vascular Institute in Springfield, Illinois installed the first stent to boost blood flow to the penis. The procedure is experimental, but could be a better long-term solution to erectile dysfunction than drugs such as Viagra. (ABC News Internet Ventures, October 2009)