Written by Bryan Hildebrand, Senior Editor
21 September 2020


JACK3D slider 2020Sept




Become Bigger, Better and Badder


Legend is reserved for those who have put in the time and effort to become something unobtainable to nearly anyone else. Jack3d™ pre-workout by USPlabs™, in no uncertain terms – is Legend. When pre-workouts deliver their ingredients, they often do so with poor quality and an incorrectly dosed manner. Way too much caffeine and other cheap stimulants, and not nearly enough of the good stuff that separates the fair from the amazing. The idea of Jack3d™ and its synergistic value arises by adding two or more specific ingredients together that gives the sum of each a larger value than by themselves. Jack3d™ provides just the right amount of highly specified ingredients to allow the synergistic relationship to take hold and take you through changes to training and physique like never before.


What makes Jack3d™ so much better than just your average shelf life pre-workout? Synergy. A modest 135 milligrams of caffeine, which is about the same as half a cup of coffee, is combined with an extraordinary proprietary blend of the hottest ingredients available and without carb-laden fillers. USPlabs™ simplified the formula by including only proven ingredients, eliminating useless fillers. This also eliminates the extra calories typically accompanying these fillers, which body-conscious users do not want or need in their supplements. Jack3d™ allows you to stay hard, dry and lean, not fluffy and bloated while delivering smooth clean, daylong energy every time.


What makes this combination of ingredients unique is simple: 2-aminoisoheptane and geranium extract. Smooth and clean energy on demand for long periods of time is what this combination brings to the table. Add in a sprinkle of everyone’s favorite pre-workout ingredient, yohimbine, to help push you through intense and lengthy training sessions and you will understand the Legend status of Jack3d™. This is what separates good from amazing. The synergistic value, or how well these ingredients work together, is where the science of this product stands alone. There is a reason it is so highly regarded in the fitness industry and the energy it provides is just the beginning.


Massive, muscular pumps are the dream of every bodybuilder. Utilizing the research on arginine alpha-ketoglutarate (AAKG), which is from the amino acid arginine, it acts as sort of a precursor to production of nitric oxide. Combining AAKG and the benefits of the most researched ingredient in sports sciences – creatine monohydrate – and you have the foundation for dry, lean muscular gains.


When you pick up Jack3d™ you’ll notice that it comes in a comparatively small container. No, you aren’t getting cheated or having to buy a bunch of it; just remember Jack3d doesn’t have all the fillers and additives others do, so less space is needed to store it all. Do not let the small container fool you. What’s waiting inside is a truly explosive mix of well-researched ingredients such as arginine alpha-ketoglutarate, creatine monohydrate, beta-alanine, caffeine, geranium extract, the omnipotent 2-aminoisoheptane, and schizandrol A. Based on research and countless fitness enthusiasts utilizing Jack3d™ with incredible results, it’s really all you need. Bigger, Better and Badder, Jack3d™ is Legend.


For more information, visit: https://supplementwarehouse.com/products/jack3d-advanced-45-servings